Friday, January 30, 2009

BRRRRR.....Rabit!! It has been so cold this week. We have literally just been wrapped up in a blanket on the couch snuggling. Bree is such the snuggle bunny. If I am laying somewhere and she would like to lay with me she says, "Mommy's Tummy" and I know she wants to lay on my tummy. And if I am not fast enough with covering her with the blanket, I almost always have wrapped around me. Then she usually says, " Feet cold" and I know she wants under the blanket with me. So seriously our house is not really that cold, but I just can't get warm enough. Besides, I do love laying on the couch with my baby wrapped up in a blanket on my tummy cuddeling with me. Those momments are precious and it is not all the time that I can get my 21 month old to lay and cuddle. So, believe me I cherish it when it happens. The ice and freezing rain hit Greenville and the surrounding area early Wednesday morning. Therefore, my office was closed and I got to spend the day with Kerry and Aubree. We slept in, rode around our property with Kerry looking for critters to shoot and then Kerry made us breakfast. So, the day was off to a good start. Then we "chilled" at the house with Bree. That afternoon was spent with the Dugan family. Bree loves the girls Allison and Addison and talks about them all the time. They really are great with her. They make her feel as big as they are. We ate a late lunch/early dinner with them at Val's in Canton. It is a small, quiet restaurant on the square that has great Italian food and amazing dinner rolls. They are to die for, seriously! I highly recommend this place..try it out if you haven't already added it to your list of favs. Bree didn't eat much at lunch due to her being too busy watching the girls and growling. Yeah, her Daddy taught her that and I am so proud.(Just Kidding!) It is pretty cute but also pretty annoying at the dinner table. Another small thing that we are gonna have to work on....but who gets the blame Bree or her Daddy for making it a game to growl at people. Due to her not eatting much she and the girls were hungry again once we got home. So, we discovered Bree's love for chicken nuggets when we got back to the Dugan's house. Amie fixed the girls dinosaur shaped nuggets. And Bree sat right in the middle of them at the bar.(She sat on a lil suitcase so she could see over the counter.HA!Ha!)So Amie gave her 2 nuggets and the girl normally just plays in the ketchup with her food and eats a little. But actually she ate those 2 nuggets and then wanted more. She does usually eat better if Amie is fixin it and if she is sitting next to the girls eating. I suppose she feels as big as they are and wants to be doing just what they are doing, so she sits there and eats with them. So, she wound up loving the chicken nuggets. Now, of course I have tried chicken nuggets before with the girl and she wasn't that crazy about them. But She loved them Wednesday night...go figure. So, I have added dino shaped chicken nuggets to the grocery list. I mean I will try anything to get the girl eating better. Move over green beans and peas...this could be Bree's new favorite food. We will just have to wait and see I guess. Well that is about the highlights of our week. I hope everyone has a blessed and warm weekend!XOXOX

1 comment:

Katy said...

I miss little Bree! I hope to see her and you very soon. I also want to see that new pretty house of yours. Stay warm and I love ya!