Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bree amazes me every day. The cutie patootie is just so smart. I know this is a mother thing, but she seriously is communicating so well. Last Sat. while Kerry was cooking breakfast Bree wanted to help so I put her in her high chair and gave her some things to work on. Well this lasted for a few minutes and then she started saying "Me want down." Wow! Three words together, I thought. I mean that is a short sentence. Kerry and I were truly impressed. I know to most this sounds silly, but it is a huge deal to us. Later that day we were getting ready to go outside to see what Daddy and Gramps and Lannie were working on (They have been getting the outside of our house ready to be painted.)and as I went to put her coat on she said, "Me can do it." Again, I stopped and just looked at my precious daughter who a few months ago she was barely talking and now she is talking in sentences. She has learnt so many new words and what they mean and now she is putting those words together to form sentences. Before, she would just say, "down" and we would know she wanted down, and now she is speaking so much clearer and making combinations out of her words. Amazing, isn't it? Oh and if you were wondering, yes, she is Miss Independent. She loves to try to do everything herself. Dressing, brushing her teeth, eating, putting her shoes on, even bathing herself. Everything I am telling you. She plays so big with all her dolls too. And I do mean all of them at once. She has to have her bed completely full with her dolls. There are like 10 of them on there at once. It is so funny. She has such a good imagination as well. She pretends to be feeding and caring for her dolls and her puppy so well. The girl is just growing way to fast! Everyday I am just blown away at the things she says and does. Lil ones are just so much fun and sooo cute!! How did we ever survive without Bree in our lives is a mystery to me.

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