Sunday, January 25, 2009

We have been so busy around our house lately. Kerry has been working so hard to get the outside of the house ready to be painted. A lot of the boards and trim on the house had to be replaced and there was a lot of caulking and insulating to be done. After getting that done Kerry did most of the primer painting. I can only take credit for painting a small portion of the front of our house. The primer is tinted in the color that the upper half of our house is going to be painted, Sand Dollar. So, we were able to get an idea of how the color will look. We are going to paint the brick and trim on our house a darker shade called Sands of Time. Hopefully, we can get the house painted in the next few weeks. We have also been working hard on starting a garden. Yes, we are having a family garden in the pasture directly behind our house. Kerry and his Dad have done most of the work thus far, but last Sunday afternoon Brandon and his boys came over and we all worked out there for a little while. The boys and Bree mostly just wanted to play in the freshly plowed dirt, but they occasionally helped with the dirt work and enjoyed riding on the tractor with Kerry and Brandon. It was a beautiful day and it felt great to be out in the fresh air. We have already planted our winter vegetables and the garden has been very therapeutic to all of us. Our plan is to just let our friends and family help us work in it and then we can all share the produce. It was an idea Gramps first mentioned, but one that Kerry and I had already talked about. We both want to enjoy the land and it is even better sharing it with the family. We both grew up helping our Grandparents work in their gardens, but as for us doing this on our own.....well, it's a learning experience that is for sure. It should be interesting! Bree loves being outside and she is learning to steer her jeep. She is getting very good at it and you have to watch her closely or she will be gone before you know it. She is talking in short sentences all the time now. And she loves to sit at her piano and sing in the microphone. It is so sweet. She has the cutest voice and holds nothing back. The girl loves to jam!! I even got it on video the other night and I love to replay it over and over again. It is so sweet!! Last week she started running a fever and had a lil cold. It was so sad to see her feeling bad. We took it easy most of the week and by Friday she was on the mend. Since Bree had been sick all week she hadn't got to see Bebe and Gramps much. Bebe is helping a lot with the care of her mother Gigi, who is battling cancer and we knew Bebe couldn't be around Bree and Gigi. So once Bree was better, Bebe and Gramps came over to see us. Bree was so glad to see them. She wanted the both of them to sit in the floor and play with her. She definitely has been missing them. And they had some good news to share as well. Gigi got a good report on Friday and the chemo is working and her tumors are shrinking. Yeah!! That was great to hear. Later, Saturday we went to lunch with my Mom and Grandparents and then went to Lilly's 1st B-day party. Lilly is my cousin Tori & Clay's angel. She is so cute. Bree really enjoys seeing her and we all had fun at her party. Bree also really enjoyed gathering up the candy that Tori had sprinkled on the tables. She had both her hands full. You would think we never let her have candy. We do, we just don't give it to her all at once. So, when she can she gathers as much of it up as possible. She gets her sweet tooth from her Momma, so what can I say.Clay gave her a sack so she could keep it for later and that made her pretty happy. The girls are 9 months apart so I know they will have fun together when they get a lil bigger. Thanks for checking on us. XOXOX

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