Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Well as the summer is coming to an end we have been trying to get back on track with everything. Kerry has been working a lot on our house this past week. He and his Dad have finished the plumbing and installed the new water heater. They also finished the sheet rocking in Bree's room, the bathroom and the ceiling. So now we are trying to get it taped and bedded and then we can start painting. I have been sanding the cabinets and getting them ready to be painted. We still don't know what color we are going to paint the cabinets though. I am considering doing them like my SIL Jennifer's. She did a white-wash finish that looks really good. You can check them out on her blog veryfullquiver.blogspot.com. The house is a big mess right now, but the yard looks pretty good. All the rain was great for the elephant ears I inherited. They were really drooping from the heat but have perked right up. The grass is nice and green too. To take a break my Mom and I went out with some of my girlfriends and their mothers again this past Friday night. We went to the Dallas Studio Movie Grill to see Momma Mia. Talk about a great girls movie. Its like a modern day Greece. Atleast I liked it almost as much and it is one of those you want to watch over and over again. We had a great time. Bree stayed with her Daddy at his parents house and I know they all enjoyed that too. Kerry had another night with his daughter Saturday night. Bree went with him and Gramps to Lindale to eat and Shop at Lowe's for Gramps' B-day present while I went to a progressive dinner with The Womens Minestry of MSBC. The dinner was like 40 something women who met at the church then went to a lovely house for appetizers. Then we went to Debbie's for the main course. She made an excellent lasagna with green bean bundles. Then we went back to the church for homemade pies and to put together gift bags. The food was fabulous and the fellowship was even better. I really enjoyed spending time with some of the women in the church. That is another thing we are trying to get back in the swing of. We would like to become more active in the church. Sunday was Gramps' birthday so we ate with him and the family after church. Don't worry I won't post your age Gramps.(Ha! Ha!) We are so fortunate to have such loving, considerate, caring Gramps. He has been such a big motivator for us on the construction of our house. He really devotes a lot of time to his family. And we thank him for everything! Well, Bree has been using so many new words lately. She loves to say "outside & if you get in her way she'll tell you to move. The lil stinker. Instead of saying yes when you say something she likes, she claps. It is so sweet. She loves to go to our house and feed the fish in our pond. She thinks she has to every time she goes there. We have also been enjoying spending time with Parker, Brett, Crew and Kate, and of course with Brandon and Jennifer. The boys are so much fun for Bree. She loves to pretend she is as big as they are. She has been trying to color a lot lately. She really likes for some one to color with her. Of course it is just scribbling, but I think it is great. Thanks for checking on us!

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