Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Such A Big Girl

About six weeks ago I noticed that if I said to Bree, "Momma has to go to the bathroom," she would run to the bathroom and pat the potty. So I thought to myself, she knows what we do in the bathroom. So I got her her own "Royal Potty" that plays assorted music when she potties in it. Being the sweet girl that she is, she almost always follows us around the house when we get up to do something. She doesn't want to miss a thing. So she usually goes to the bathroom with us and while we use the restroom she sits on her "Royal Potty" in her diaper, mind you. Well, Monday night while i was running her bath water, she was waiting anxiously as always and then when I took off her diaper she turned around and went to her potty chair and sat right down. I could see her lil tummy straining as she tee-teed right in her potty. I was so impresses! The chair started playing music and in ran her Daddy and Nona. We were all so proud and she smiled the biggest smile ever. Then she waved and in her sweet lil voice said, "Hi." Talk about a moment to remember. Our lil girl is growing up so fast. Now I know we still have a long way to go with the potty training thing, and this seems like such a small deal to some, but to me it was huge.

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