Saturday, March 15, 2008

Country Livin

We have been back in G.S. for two weeks now. My new job is fantastic! Everyone in the office is super nice and I think it already feels like home. We are still staying with family, as our house is still for sale. Bree stays with Mema & Pa and Bebe during the week. Although, we all really miss her teachers at CCLC we are loving that she spends so much time with our families. They are really enjoying it, too. Bree has started to walk short distances at a 0time. I guess she has been doing it for about a week now. She is so funny. She will walk across the living room or from one thing to another from time to time. But sometimes she gets so excited and falls. She loves to dance and play the piano. She is so good natured. Although, we have found one thing that she does not care for at all. The Easter Bunny. Audra and I took Bree and Finlee to the Tyler mall on Friday to see the Easter bunny. We got the girls semi-matching Easter dresses. Bree's is green with big pink flowers trimmed in pink & white polka dots and Finlee's is yellow with big pink flowers trimmed in yellow & white polka dots. They even have custom made hair bows to match. Way cute!! They had such a cute set up for pictures in the mall. The girls were playing and when we sat them down on the bunnies lap, Finlee did great, as for Bree she started shaking and screaming. The poor baby was terrified! We tried to play and sing and I sat there next to the bunny, and she was fine but every time I would hand her to the bunny she cried. So Finlee had her picture made in his lap and then we rearranged the set and set the girls on the bench and had the bunny sneak in behind them. But Bree kept her eye on him the whole time. Other than that she loves everyone. We are so happy to be back around all of our family and friends. We enjoy seeing everyone so often and all the convenience of having everyone right here. Thank you for checking on us...God Bless & Happy St. Patty's Day and Easter.


randakaiser said...

I am so happy to hear that you guys are all doing so well. Bree is adorable! I am sure she is having a wonderful time in her new home and getting to spend so much time with family. Hope to see you next time you are in Dallas.

Rachel Kaiser

Jennifer Kindle said...

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