Friday, February 15, 2008

Coming Home to G.S.

After much consideration we have decided to put our house on the market and move back to our hometown Grand Saline. I have accepted a position at Dr. Zeb's cardiology office in Greenville, Tx. Kerry will continue to manage the company he is with, the drive is actually shorter from G.S. than from our house now. Bree will be staying w/ my grandparents and family everyday which we are very excited about. We are hoping to find some land and build a house, but until then we will be staying with family. Although this will be a big change after being gone for 9 years, we are very excited and look forward to raising Bree around her grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, great aunts & uncles, cousins and many of our long time friends. We have been talking and praying for this move for a very long time and we feel like it is now God's plan to move us back. Thank you for all of your prayers on this matter. We will greatly miss all of our friends and neighbors here, but it will be so nice to be back with our family.

On another note, Bree is really growing fast. At her nine mo. check-up she was 16lbs 2oz. 27 3/4 in. and her head was 42cm. She is long and skinny. She is doing great. She likes to clap & sing, play ball( throwing the ball back & forth), and stand. She is such a fast crawler. She is really into everything. She is such a sweet girl! She loves to give big hugs & kisses. She even hugs Alex every chance she gets. Bree is the light of our lives. She makes everything fun. Last weekend we had a girls day w/ our friends from G.S. and we took the girls to the park after lunch. Bree & Finlee loved to swing. This was Bree's first time and she would kick her legs & laugh when she wanted to go faster. Sooo cute! They also liked to slide. It was so much fun exploring the park w/ these sweet lil girls. Bree is also a big eater. She wants anything we are eating. The other night at Jason's Deli Kerry was having brocolli & cheese soup and Bree wanted some so he was sharing it w/ her. I got some ice cream and figured she would love it, so I gave her a bite. She got so mad she pushed the spoon away, started crying and then spit it out. She was expecting more soup and didn't want the ice cream. Kerry gave her soup and she stopped crying and was happy again. I think we may have found one of her favorite things! Atleast for right now anyway. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family life. I hope everyone feels the true love and joy that a family can bring. God Bless!

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