Sunday, May 8, 2011

Having so much fun that I forgot to blog!

We had a very special Easter holiday. It is so nice having both our families live so close that we are able to spend holidays with them all. After Easter service we ate lunch with Kerry's grandparents, then we went to my great Uncle and Aunt's for the traditional Easter egg hunt with my family. Which is growing by leaps and bounds with all the new lil additions. It was so fun to see Aubree hunt eggs in the same yard and field I grew up hunting in with all my cousins. We finished the day off with dinner and another egg hunt at Kerry's parents with his family. It was a great day spent with all our loved ones. We celebrated Aubree's 4th birthday the following Tuesday(26th). I woke her up singing happy birthday. Then she unwrapped a special present from Kerry and I and got ready for parents day out. I took a cute Hello Kitty cupcake cake to her class so that they could all celebrate with her. She had a great day and when I picked her up from school I told her that since it's her special day she could pick what we did for the rest of the day and if we went out to eat or wanted me to cook something special. The sweetheart said she really wanted to spend the day at home playing with her puppies. So that is exactly what we did. After Kerry got home she requested to have dinner at the Dugan's house with the girls. So Lannie grilled chicken and shrimp and she got her wish. It was a great day spent celebrating my precious angel. That Saturday we threw her a carnival themed party at the house. I rented a 24 foot bounce slide, had pony rides, face painting, some carnival games and a concession stand complete with all the carnival foods. Nachos, hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy, giant pickles, cracker jacks, lemonade and lots of candy. It was a great party and she had a blast. She is still telling me how much fun it was! :) It was a lot of work but worth every second to make her feel loved. This past week was cruising right along but we hit a tough spot on Thursday. Aubree and I were out in the yard playing with the pups and feeding the ducks some bread when Max decided to run out in the road and chase a big 2quarter ton truck pulling a trailer. He ran right under the front wheel and got stuck. I grabbed Aubree up and ran her into the house. Sadly he got hurt pretty badly and we had to learn one of life's toughest lessons: saying goodbye. Aubree was so devastated, as were we all. Max was a great dog. He had such a sweet, soft side to him and such warm eyes. He was the protector of his sister Zoe and of our home. He is missed so much! Thankfully, Kerry was off on Friday and he and Aubree spent the whole day together and I think her broken heart is mending fine. After work on Friday the 3 of us enjoyed a couple of hours of fishing. It was a great stress releaser and I enjoyed spending time with my family in the beautiful, peaceful nature God created. On Saturday Bebe took Aubree and I to Dallas to the American Girl store. Aubree picked out the twin dolls, had their hair fixed in the salon, got the twin stroller and some extra outfits and then we enjoyed a great lunch with her new babies in the AG cafe. That place is amazing and it was great to see her have so much fun. After church today we spent Mother's Day honoring Kerry' family at Cracker Barrel,his Grandmother's choice for lunch and after a couple hour break which I spent relaxing on the deck sunbathing, we spent the evening and had dinner with my family at Mom's. We have both been blessed by amazing women in our lives. We both have great Mother's and Grandmothers who have been Godly examples of what a Mother should be. They are not only our Mother's but our friends and biggest supporters in life. Without them we would both be lost. I am so thankful for the love of both our Mothers and families. Thanks Mom and My 2nd Mom, Bebe, for all you do for us and for being such an involved part of our lives. We love you both dearly. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. I want to leave you with the closing point of our sermon this morning. It rang true in my ears and I hope it will in yours too. As Bro. Ronald said, after preaching a great Mother's day sermon, " Remember there is no perfect Mom. Every Mom has at some point trials and difficulties in their heart and life so do not try to be perfect. Instead turn to the Lord in your hardships and pray to him and he will help you through the trials. As a mother we do not need to be perfect but only remember to always turn to the Lord for everything. " I am so guilty of striving for perfection and then beating myself up when I fall short. Isn't it good to know our God doesn't expect perfection from us but only wants to be a part of our daily walk. What a great God we serve!!

1 comment:

Katy said...

Great post Mandy. I am so sorry about your dog, I know it's something that happens, but it broke my heart. We had so much fun at Aubree's party...great job!
Thanks for posting the message about Mother's...I needed that.
Love you