Thursday, March 4, 2010

Feeling So Blessed

In the past few weeks we have enjoyed lots of wonderful blessings. Some with our family and some with friends. One of my favorites was spent with a group of 10 of our dearest friends enjoying a night at Shoguns, our favorite Japanese Hibachi grill. We had such a wonderful time. The food was fabulous and the night was filled with good times. A short week later I was star stuck as we were sitting at Chili's in Lindale and realized we were sitting next to the entire crew from Extreme Makeover Home Edition. They were all there and even came over to our table to talk to us. Such kind, down to earth people who do an amazing job in helping those in need. What a cool experience that was. We also survived our 2nd annual garage sale. These sales are not something I enjoy, however I am amazed at how well baby/kids clothes sale. We had our sale with 4 other families in a great location and I am still in awe at how well it did. I got rid of a lot of unneeded stuff and put some extra cash in my pocket. Gotta love that! Sunday I indulged in Red Lobster's Lobster Fest and it was oh so good. Lobster tail, crab legs and shrimp...MMMM...makes my mouth water just remembering how good it was. Following our delicious lunch we spent the day shopping. Kerry looking for a new tv for our bedroom and me mainly enjoying all the cute lil girls clothes that are out for spring and summer. Aubree loves to shop with me and is so cute picking out the things she likes. She is set for spring and I can't wait to see her in all the darling outfits we got her.
Just when I thought life couldn't get any better, it did. We went on Tuesday to Medical City Dallas for Aubree's yearly follow up on her renal reflux. She had to have a sedated VCUG and renal ultrasound. This was very stressful for Kerry and I as we hated to see Bree put to sleep and we were prayerful that God would take care of her and make her reflux better. It had previously been graded as a 2-3 out of 1-5. As the VCUG was underway the doctors were amazing and were talking us through the procedure again. But as they neared 8oz of fluid being injected this time there was no reflux seen. YEAH!! It was officially gone. Only 20% of kids outgrow renal reflux and thankfully Aubree is in that 20%. It never crossed my mind that it would be completely gone. All this time we were praying for it to have improved, just for it to not be worse. Last year they had told us that some outgrow it by the time they are 5 yrs old and if this didn't happen or if it got worse she may need surgery to correct it. All I could think was please don't let it be worse and don't let there be any kidney damage. But God is so good!! He cured her and took the reflux away. For us that was such a peace of mind and meant no more prophylactic antibiotic daily for Bree. What an AWESOME day!! As a treat for Bree's day we had promised when it was over to take her to Chuck E Cheese. However, she asked to go to McDonald's and play on the playground instead. And since it was her treat we let her decide. We compromised and stopped at Chic-fil-a to play since it was on our way home. Aubree had a great time and played like such a big girl. It was a great day and again, I could not ask for more. I feel so very blessed to have the life I have. God is so GOOD!! To top off my great week my raise at work went into effect this week and I got back payed what I was owed. Yippee!! I truly feel on top of the world and owe it all to our amazing God. Thanks to everyone who prayed for Aubree and for all of our family and friends for their amazing love and support. XOXOX to all!!

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