Monday, August 6, 2007

We are back home and back to our normal schedules again. On July 25th I received a horid call saying that my mother(Vickie) was being taken to the hospital in Tyler for chest pain. In my career field I imediately paniced and we rushed to east Texas. Upon arriving at Mother Francis Hospital I learned that my dear mother had suffered a heart attack. She was in the ICU and for the first time in a long time I felt so helpless and afraid. My Mom went for a cath on Thursday morning where we discovered she had two completely blocked arteries. (RCA & LAD) The cool thing was that on her way to the procedure the nurses let Bree ride on the garney with her. They both smiled the whole way. This was the best Mom had looked in the past few days. She had to have a double bypass surgery. This news was very shocking, my mother who is only 52 & the strongest woman I know, needed bypass surgery?!.. In disbelief of what was happening I thanked God for allowing her to make it to the hospital and turned things over to Him. Friday morning she had surgery from 7:30am til 11:50am. Thanks to everyone who came to sit with us during those frightening hours. I was pleasantly surprised to see several of my dear G.S. girlfriends there to support me. Your love has been amazing!! Mom came out of surgery and it was very hard to see her looking so frail. She awoke from the anesthesia around 6pm. Again I was amazed by what an unbelievably strong woman she is. She recovered wonderfully and is now continuing to improve at home with Mema & Pa. Than you God for all you did for our family and Thanks to everyone for their prayers and thoughtfulness. On a more positive note, while we were enduring this process we met an extraordinary family in the waiting room. The Albert Smith family, whom were a really great bunch to be around. Mr. Smith was having a bypass at the same time Mom was. God has a way with bringing good things out of a seemingly bad situation. We are now back home and all is going well! Thanks for checking on us & have a great week!! Please continue to pray for Mom & Mr. Smith as they face some challenging rehab and try to regain their strength.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Aubree is so fun to look at. I especially love the pictures of her with her Mom and Dad. She is perfect and I can't wait to see her again. I am a very proud aunt!